Chapter 13 Trustee

Middle District of Georgia - Jonathan W. DeLoach

Meeting of Creditors

Join 341 Meeting Now


The Meeting of Creditors, also known as the 341 Meeting, refers to a meeting conducted by the Chapter 13 Trustee pursuant to 11 USC Section 341. At this meeting, Chapter 13 debtors will be required to swear or affirm that the information that they give is truthful. The Trustee will ask the debtors about their Chapter 13 petition. Questions may include, but are not limited to, issues relating to living expenses, creditors, and income. Creditors will also have the opportunity to ask their debtors questions concerning their bankruptcy plan.

Since the Covid-19 pandemic, these meetings are no longer held in person. They are now held in a virtual environment using the Zoom collaboration platform. Information for attending 341 meetings using Zoom can be found below.

Before the Meeting

At least 14 days prior to the 341 meeting, or within another timeframe requested by the trustee, the debtor or the debtor’s attorney, if represented, should send to the trustee in a safe and secure manner:

Personal Identification

A clear copy of (1) a government-issued photo identification of the debtor and (2) evidence of the debtor’s Social Security number (“ID documents”) or a written statement that the debtor has no Social Security number.

Acceptable Photo Identification Documents
  • Driver's license
  • U.S. government ID
  • State ID
  • Passport or current visa, if not a U.S. citizen
  • Military ID
  • Resident alien card
  • Identity card issued by a national government authority
Acceptable Social Security Number Documents
  • Social Security card
  • Medical insurance card
  • Pay stub
  • W-2 form
  • IRS Form 1099
  • Social Security Administration statement
  • ITIN (only if debtor is not eligible for an SSN)

Financial Information

  • Evidence of current income, such as the most recent payment advice.

  • Statements for each of the debtor's depository and investment accounts, including checking, savings, and money market accounts, mutual funds and brokerage accounts for the time period that includes the date of the filing of the petition.

  • Documentation of monthly expenses claimed by the debtor if required by 11 U.S.C. § 707(b)(2)(A) or (B). These include additional food and clothing expense up to 5 percent of the IRS National Standard allowance for those categories; education expenses for dependent children less than 18 years of age; home energy costs that exceed the IRS Local Standard allowance; and expenses that support a claim of special circumstances.

Note: If the documentation does not exist or is not in your possession, please provide a written statement indicating such.

Tax Return

At least 7 days before the first date set for the 341 meeting, provide a copy of the debtor's federal income tax return for the most recent tax year ending immediately before the commencement of the case and for which a return was filed, including any attachments, or a transcript of the tax return, or provide a written statement that the documentation does not exist.


Zoom is a communications program used to hold online virtual meetings.

Pursuant to its authority under 11 U.S.C. §§ 341(a) and 343, Federal Rule of Bankruptcy Procedure 2003, and other authorities, the U.S. Trustee Program (“USTP”) will implement virtual section 341 meetings of creditors (“341 meetings”) via Zoom for all chapter 7, 12, and 13 cases in all USTP jurisdictions.

The USTP’s transition to video 341 meetings will foster greater participation, result in substantial cost and time efficiencies for debtors and creditors, and better ensure the efficiency and integrity of the bankruptcy system. Once implemented, the U.S. Trustee may approve alternative arrangements for 341 meetings when extenuating circumstances exist that preclude a debtor’s attendance by video. In addition, in rare cases, the U.S. Trustee may determine that an in-person 341 meeting is necessary.


To participate in a Zoom meeting, you will need an electronic device (smartphone, tablet, laptop, or desktop computer) with a camera, speakers, microphone, and internet access.

  • If you are using a smartphone, you must download and install the Zoom application onto your device.
    Get Zoom for IOS Get Zoom for Android

  • If you are using a tablet, laptop, or desktop computer, you can either download the Zoom application or use the Zoom website.

  • If a debtor is unable to appear at the virtual Meeting by video due to no access to internet or to an electronic device with a camera, they should join the Meeting by audio only and let the trustee know they do not have the means necessary to join by video as the trustee may permit a debtor to participate by telephone on a case-by-case basis if the circumstances warrant.

  • In the event a debtor is experiencing trouble connecting by video on the day of their Meeting, they should join the Meeting by audio only and let the trustee know they were unable to join by video.

  • If a creditor or other interested party is unable to join by video, they can join by audio only.

Note: Telephonic appearances by the debtor will likely result in the rescheduling of their Meeting to another date or time in order to appear by video. This may be called a continued or adjourned meeting. The parties will use the same connection information that is contained in the Notice of Bankruptcy Case to connect to the continued or adjourned meeting, unless the trustee indicates otherwise. In the event you do not have the Notice of Bankruptcy Case, this information can be found at

Participants are encouraged to download and test Zoom at least one day before their scheduled Meeting. To test Zoom, click the link or type into your web browser:

Joining a Meeting

Join 341 Meeting Now

The fastest and simplest way to join a 341 meeting is to click the green "Join 341 Meeting Now" button above and follow the prompts. Click on the links below to view instructions for the various ways of joining a meeting.

  1. Open the Zoom application

  2. Click on the “Join Meeting” button.

  3. On the Join Meeting screen:

    1. Enter the 10-digit Meeting ID found on the Notice of Bankruptcy Case.

    2. Enter your name (also referred to as Screen Name). If a name already appears (e.g., iPhone, Nickname, etc.), delete it from the field.

      Note: Be sure to enter your full name, so that the trustee can properly identify you.

    3. Click "Join" to prompt the Meeting Passcode screen.

  4. Enter the 10-digit passcode found on the Notice of Bankruptcy Case then click either "Join Meeting" or "Continue", depending on your device.

  5. An FBI message should appear. Read the message and click "Agree" to join the meeting's virtual waiting room.

  1. Open your web browser and go to

  2. Click “Join”.

  3. Enter the 10-digit Meeting ID found on the Notice of Bankruptcy Case and click "Join".

  4. Click on the “Join from Your Browser” link at the bottom of the screen. DO NOT click on the “Launch Meeting” button.

    If you joined by tablet, you may receive a pop-up window that says “” would Like to access the microphone and/or camera, click “Allow”.

  5. Enter The 10-digit Passcode found on the Notice of Bankruptcy Case and enter your full name.

    If a name other than yours appears, delete it from the field. Note: You must enter your full name so that the trustee can properly identify you.

  6. Click the "Join" button.

  7. An FBI message should appear. Read the message and click "Agree" to join the meeting's virtual waiting room.

  1. From your phone, call the phone number set out in section 7 of the Notice of Bankruptcy Case.

  2. When prompted to enter the meeting password, from your keypad enter the Meeting Passcode found on the Notice of Bankruptcy Case, followed by #.

  3. When prompted, state your full name followed by # to be placed in the Meeting’s virtual waiting room.

    Note: Please be patient and remain connected as multiple meetings may be scheduled for the same meeting time.

  4. When admitted to the virtual meeting room, you will no longer hear hold music. Please mute your phone, by pressing *6.

  5. When requested by the trustee, unmute your phone by pressing *6 and provide your first and last name.

Tip: If needed, pressing *9 will raise your virtual hand so that the trustee can call on you.

Troubleshooting & Tips

  • If you are using an external camera, microphone or both, plug them in before opening the Zoom application.

  • Only one microphone and speaker system should be active per physical location to avoid a loud screeching sound.

  • Make sure your device is connected to power. Avoid using battery power only (laptops, etc.).

  • Make sure your audio is turned on in Zoom and turned on and turned up on your device. Audio support

  • Make sure your video is turned on in Zoom. Video support

  • Trouble joining a Zoom meeting

  • Learn how to use Zoom controls

  • For additional Zoom support, go to
